
Catherine McAuley College Mackay has introduced a new initiative to help support the wellbeing of our students.

We know that it can be difficult for parents to source information when it comes to ongoing wellbeing support strategies for their children. To aid with this we have partnered with SchoolTV, an online resource designed to assist parents to better deal with modern-day parenting and the challenges of raising happy and resilient young people.

SchoolTV delivers credible information with practical strategies featuring video interviews with leading specialists, supported by a host of resources from key wellbeing organisations. SchoolTV offers parents a fresh approach to the issues and pressures faced by children and young people in our community.

Some topics featured include:
• Youth anxiety
• Depression
• Self-harm and Suicide
• Digital reputation
• Managing screen time
• Vaping
• Cyberbullying

We encourage you to visit the SchoolTV site and view the content but more importantly use this resource when needed to support your child and family through issues as they arise.