Religious Education

Religious Education at Catherine McAuley College draws upon the Catholic Christian tradition in ways that are mindful of local contexts and the ecumenical and multi-faith realities of contemporary culture.

The distinct and complementary nature of these two facets of Religious Education has been conceptualised in the following Model for Religious Education.

The Aim of Religious Education at Catherine McAuley College

Religious Education develops students’ knowledge and understandings of Christianity in the light of Jesus and the Gospel, and its unfolding story and diversity within contemporary Australian and global society.  It expands students’ spiritual awareness and religious identity, fostering their capacities and skills of discerning, interpreting, thinking critically, seeking truth and making meaning.  It challenges and inspires their service to others and engagement in the Church and the world.

Religious Education Policy

As a Catholic College in the Diocese of Rockhampton, Religious Education at Catherine McAuley College is a compulsory learning area for all students with a formal curriculum for the classroom learning and teaching of Religion. It is a distinct learning area, “a scholastic discipline with the same systematic demand and the same rigour as other disciplines.” … Religious Education is responsive to … the religious experiences of the students… all students have an entitlement to learning in Religious Education that seeks to develop deep knowledge, understanding and skills.

The Religious Education curriculum enables all students to engage with the Catholic Christian tradition in the context of their personal experiences and contemporary culture, so they are critical and effective participants in their own faith communities and in society.

NCEC Framing Paper on Religious Education

Religious Education Policy