Vision, Mission and Values


Inspired by the person of Jesus Christ, and the life of
Catherine McAuley, we seek to foster:

  • Life-giving Leadership
  • Christus Vivit (Christ lives)


To realise our Vision for Catherine McAuley College:

  • We are Christians within the Catholic faith tradition
  • We practise Stewardship of all creation
  • We embody the courage to pursue the works of Mercy
  • We value learning within a broad-based education

The College Shield and Motto

The shield motif conveys the commitment to the tradition of learning and support for Christ’s message for us today, The stylised cross communicates the centrality of Jesus in our lives and alludes to Catherine McAuley who founded the Sisters of Mercy.

The College’s motto ‘Christus Vivit’ (Christ Lives) is a rallying cry from Pope Francis for the support and value of young people.

Our College colours are embedded in the design with green symbolising the canefields and rainforests of the Mackay region, drawing also on the colour of Ireland, the birthplace of Catherine McAuley. The colour blue represents the Coral Sea, the clear skies that define our tropical home and the colour of the Mercy order. The colour white gives contrast and boundary to the concepts and geographical entities.


Learning, Courage, Faith & Mercy

By striving to live our values day-to-day, Catherine McAuley staff and students discover what is important and can meet each life challenge knowing they have the skills to make the best choice in each situation. From their small personal actions to their wider community and global initiatives and outreach, Catherine McAuley staff and students are challenged to adopt the transforming Mercy values of Learning, Courage, Faith & Mercy.


The goal is to develop in every Catherine McAuley student:

  • the ability and confidence in how best to learn
  • the ability to achieve and exceed their potential inspired by the message and person of Jesus
  • the ability to become responsible adults who reflect on and evaluate the world in light of the Christian faith


Martin Luther King Jr described courage as “an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles”. The goal is to encourage in every Catherine McAuley student:

  • the strength to take a stand when faced with obstacles, sustained by the Christian faith and trust in God
  • the ability to embrace life recognising their God-given strengths, opportunities and limitations
  • the determination to live authentically guided by the values taught by Jesus
  • the personal leadership qualities of perseverance, resilience, compassion and service

Faith & Mercy

Faith and belief remain a solid foundation in the search for meaning. The value of Mercy, pivotal and foundational for the order of Sisters founded by Catherine McAuley and exemplified by Jesus, must be developed and encouraged in all endeavours undertaken and relationships formed at Catherine McAuley College. As a school we will strive to educate for both the head and the heart. The goal is to develop in every Catherine McAuley student an eagerness to:

  • Hear and emulate the message of Jesus
  • Be inspired by Catherine McAuley who exemplified faith in action
  • Continue to search for meaning being open to God’s grace
  • Embrace the diversity of world religions and celebrate spiritual, cultural and religious differences to encourage acceptance and peace in our communities
  • Serve those in need with compassion, warmth and hospitality
  • Care for our planet and all of creation in a world that needs healing
  • Offer forgiveness
  • Accept one another unconditionally