Annual School Reports

  • 2023 Annual School Report
    2023 Annual School Report
  • 2022 Annual School Report Catherine McAuley College Mackay 2022 Annual School Report Catherine McAuley College, Mackay Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton Principal Mr Jim Ford Address 239 Nebo Road West Mackay QLD 4740 Total enrolments 110 Year levels offered Opened in 2022 with Year 7 cohort only Years 7 to 12 in 2027 Type of School: Co-educational Catholic Secondary College Catherine McAuley College Mackay " 2022 School Report 2 School Overview Catherine McAuley College (CMC) Established in the classic heritage setting of the former 'Sugar Research Institute' in Mackay, our Catholic Secondary College builds on a tradition of innovation and intellectual endeavours. Our culture is one of service and belonging. We value learning for both students and staff, the courage to do what is most difficult and compassion communicated in the Works of Mercy. Our students will have the capacity and optimism to lead a changing world with insight and humility. More information on our school can be accessed from Curriculum Offerings Distinctive Curriculum Offerings The school is building toward a full 7 to 12 secondary College in 2027. It offers a comprehensive subject experience across nine key learning areas and currently is drafting a suite of elective subject offerings as the first college students progress into Years 9 and 10. Core classes in English, Maths, Science and Humanities are structured by demonstrated student ability so the appropriate level of challenge can be extended to every student. Extra Curricula Activities There is an extensive Instrumental Music program for a new College. Students can elect to take lessons in piano, guitar, voice, percussion, and strings. A school band will be formed to commence in 2024. Also on offer to students is a choir known as the CMC 'Glee' Club, a Drama group, and an Art club. Rugby League, Netball and Soccer are the major sports on offer along with ample opportunities to compete in Representative Sport. How Information and Communication Technologies are used to assist learning All students are issued with a new Chromebook computer (with protective case and charge unit). All class teachers coordinate the learning experience through Google Classroom posts. Students submit work electronically and make extensive use of online curated learning resources such as Style in Science, Education Perfect and Writers Toolbox. Textbooks are still appreciated but are in interactive electronic form. Social Climate Strategies to Promote a Positive Culture Pastoral Care/House Groups meet daily. Guided by their House teacher, students gather in their Year level specific groups for 30-min, and this generates an invaluable opportunity to run programs on Wellbeing, Leadership, Careers, and activities that chaperone students into a sense of belonging. The culture of the College is created through the systemic pastoral experience. Cyber Safety and Anti-Bullying Strategies The College promotes and makes good use of an anonymous online reporting system available to all students. Called 'STYMIE' the program gives all students a voice and data would indicate they appreciate and are willing to use it. Strategies for involving parents in their child's education The College has a formal representative group in the form of an advisory Board. They oversee all aspects of College function including budget, staffing, policy, and mission/vision. A less formal Parent Engagement Group (PEG) gives impetus to fundraising and social events. Both groups meet monthly. On several occasions each year, 'Student Led Conferences' (previously known as parent/teacher interviews) take place. The student being central to the conversation helps with commitment and communicates to parents that they are in partnership with the College. Catherine McAuley College Mackay " 2022 School Report 3 Reducing the school's environmental footprint Solar panel installation in the initial College build ensures low season demand for electricity is largely covered. The College is situated in a high rainfall area, but landscaped areas are on a regulated watering system. Recycling and Reef Guardian initiatives are in place for environmental consciousness of our students. 'Care for our Common Home' is a persistent theme. Characteristics of the Student Body Our student body reflects the ethnic diversity of the population that settled the Mackay region. The number of students identifying as Indigenous has steadily built along with the larger group prevalence of students with Maltese and European backgrounds. Average student attendance rate (%) The average student attendance rate was 91.04%. Management of non-attendance Class Roll marking at the start of every lesson with follow-up by student administration officer checks ensuring there is little/no truancy. Family vacations during term-time can have a significant impact on attendance statistics in the Junior grades. Full attendance expectations are regularly communicated to parents/guardians and students and built into our period awards scale. Year 10 to 12 Apparent Retention Rate Our College is building to Year 12 in the Year 2027. At present (2022) we only have Year 7's in attendance. Staffing Information Workforce Composition Workforce Composition Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff Indigenous Staff 11.00 1.00 Headcounts 14.00 8.68 1.00 Full-time equivalents 13.51 Qualifications of all Teachers Percentage of staff with this Qualification 100% Qualification – highest level of attainment Doctoral / Post-doctoral Masters Bachelor Degree Diploma Certificate Major Professional Development Initiatives All staff have been comprehensively trained in The Responsible Thinking Process to enable school-wide consistency. In addition, all new staff in particular are trained in The 7 Habits and its application to student leadership. Catherine McAuley College Mackay " 2022 School Report 4 Formation experiences to clarify the key features of a Catholic school is an ongoing priority for the whole school. The percentage of teacher participation in professional development was 100%. Total funds expended on Professional Development The total of funds expended on teacher professional development was $12,900. Average Staff Attendance and Retention The average staff attendance for the school year, based on unplanned absences of sick and emergency leave for periods of up to 5 days, was 95.5%. Percentage of teaching staff retained from the previous school year was 95%. School Income School income broken down by funding source is available via the My School website at (The School information below is available on the My School web site). National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy Results Our reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy results for Years 7 and 9 are available via the My School website at If you are unable to access the internet, please contact the school for a paper copy of our school's NAPLAN results. Key Student Outcomes and Value Added PAT Maths and PAT Reading tests are undertaken at the start and end of the calendar year. Nature of tests have changed to adaptive making results not comparable. The end of the Year 2023 with a consistent testing methodology will provide data on the year of growth for Year 7's and Year 8's. Year 12 Outcomes NOT APPLICABLE AS YET Outcomes for our Year 12 cohort of 2022 (Data are available to schools from the QCAA and QTAC secure website using your existing security code) Catherine McAuley College Mackay " 2022 School Report 5 Percentage of Year 12 students who received a Senior NA Education Profile (SEP) Percentage of Year 12 students awarded a Queensland NA Certificate of Education (QCE) Percentage of Year 12 students awarded a Queensland NA Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) Percentage of Year 12 students awarded a Vocational NA Education and Training (VET) qualification Percentage of Year 12 students who undertook a NA School-based apprenticeship or Traineeship (SAT) Percentage of ATAR eligible students disclosing to NA college an ATAR of 60.00 to 99.95 Percentage of Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre NA (QTAC) applicants receiving a university offer Strategic Improvement: Progress and Next Steps Strategic progress in 2022 Combined with next item. Strategic priorities for 2023 Catholic Identity: Deepen the understanding of staff and students of the religious life of the College. Effective Teaching & Learning: Build student capacity to engage in the learning process across all curriculum areas. Pastoral Support & Wellbeing: Improve student wellbeing and have this reflected in readiness to learn. Leadership, Partnership and Resourcing: Develop and enhance professional partnerships between staff. Progress - Catholic Identity: All staff and future staff have/will undertake training in Catholic social teaching. Students have/will visit St Francis Xavier Catholic Church so as to be familiar with ritual. - Effective Teaching & Learning: Development of Department pedagogy models students trained in reflective practices in preparation for parent/teacher/student interviews (Student Led Conferences). - Pastoral Support & Wellbeing: Berry Street Training and training in Love Bites undertaken by key staff. Clear articulation of standards to all students. Non-teaching staff part of Wellbeing environment. - Leadership, Partnerships & Resourcing: Student leadership training for all new staff (The 7 Habits). Training for Heads of Department in how to build and maintain effective subject teaching. Overall Comment - The College is making progress on comprehensive curriculum and pedagogy, Staff training is under way in important systems of behaviour management and professional efficacy. Wellbeing of students and staff is a consistent focus and developing to predictable systems. College Mission & Vision is developing into a crucial reference for authentic service and improvement. Parent, teacher and student satisfaction with the school Enrolment demand is high and growing. Board meeting minutes attest to high morale and satisfaction that the College environment is affirming and continually seeking to improve. Student surveys are conducted on a regular basis with parent satisfaction data to be gathered in 2023. In our first year of operation (2022), staff reviewed the NSIT Domains to identify where immediate improvement may be required. Catherine McAuley College Mackay " 2022 School Report 6
    2022 Annual School Report