Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care Classes
Pastoral Care (PC) classes are scheduled from 11:40-12:10 each day.
Students are assigned a PC class according to their House. Specific PC class groups will all be from the same House. As the College matures the PC classes will be multi-age giving opportunities for older students to contribute.
Daily PC class enables the reinforcement of House identity and the fostering of a friendly competitive environment in all aspects of the co-curricular program at Catherine McAuley College.
This time is crucial for the success and execution of various initiatives of the College and allows time for assemblies and group meetings to occur without interruption to valuable time-tabled learning time.
Activities include:
- Daily check-in and roll marking
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Sharing of information
- Development of House spirit
- Reading for pleasure
- Leadership theory and practice through the ‘Leader in Me’ program for a sustained leadership perspective
- Planning for and reflection on Service Learning activities
- Wellbeing program initiatives and activities including ‘Love Bites’ for respectful relationships
- Discussion and reflection on the ‘Responsible Thinking Program’ for fostering maturity development and individual responsibility
- College Assembly
- Group meetings such as Student Representative Council (SRC), sporting, cultural and service meetings